Black Sea Bass Fishing Charters

Spring, Summer and Fall
Prices listed are not per person; prices listed are for chartering the boat. When you charter the boat it is yours with up to 6 passengers maximum in your group.

A black sea bass fishing charter on Cape Cod is second to none. The black sea bass is what we, who fish Nantucket Sound off the coast of Cape Cod in the spring, consider a game fish with excellent table fair. Not really a bass at all, but part of the grouper family, they are truly a beautiful fish with a black background and speckles. The males get a hump on their back and light up with a turquoise and bluish purple spectrum on the top of their heads. When hooked up on light tackle they are a lot of fun to catch.
The Black sea bass can be found over a wide range on the east coast from northern Florida to Cape Cod. Along the coast there are three major biomasses: Georgia and the Carolinas off the Chesapeake Bay, the New York, and the New England bio mass. Black sea bass spend their winters in the deep, 240 to 600 feet, ocean waters off the east coast. Black sea bass then migrate to the waters off Cape Cod where fishing is excellent in May and June.
Sea bass gather in areas of hard bottom structure in search of their pray; crabs, mussels, small lobsters, clams, squid and fishes. Fishing wrecks, rocks, jetties and the areas around pilings are most productive. They are a very aggressive fish that attack the bait. Our favorite way of catching black sea bass is by drifting while bouncing a buck tail jig off the bottom with a strip of squid.
On the Magellan, when lucky enough to find a pile of black sea bass, we have been known to catch them two at a time while others follow the hooked fish to the surface.
The Massachusetts state record for black sea bass is 8 pounds caught off Cotuit on 6/8/85 by Kevin Smith. Several years ago we had a young man on board the Magellan who caught the largest black sea bass in the state for the year weighing in at 7 pounds 6 ounces.
When fishing for black sea bass on the Magellan you will generally find them with a nice mixed bag of scup/porgies and on occasion a striped bass or two. Please plan ahead and book your trip for black sea bass in May or early June and let us hook you up!